Mutine your boss in The Company Man

Paramount Pictures Corporation (additionally referred to as Paramount) is one of the biggest film production business. It originates from the 1916 fusion of Famous Players, developed in 1912 by Adolph Zukor, with the Jesse L. Lanky Attribute Play Company as well as who take in the Paramount Pictures Company a tiny company established in 1914. This is the earliest studio. American cinema still energetic with Universal Photo. A subsidiary of the Conglomerate Viacom, its head office is located on Melrose Opportunity in Hollywood, The Golden State in the Paramount Studios.

A new office adventure game will be launched early next year on Nintendo Switch. The Company Man is a classic action platform set inspired by the SITCOM very popular The Office.

The Company Men - Faith, Courage and Enthusiasm (HD) In The Company Man, players embody Jim, a young employee working for Good Water Company. Jim became dissatisfied with the way the company is managed and decides to take control. Jim therefore undertakes to overthrow his boss and become the new CEO.

The Company Man places players in a familiar office environment, full of boring colleagues, lazy managers and ways to make fun of them all. But although it can sometimes look like an episode of The Office, The Company Man is really an action platform game.

Players will launch attacks by e-mail against colleagues, run and jump through the departments, will reinforce with coffee beans and more by climbing the levels of the company. Discover the platform action in the gameplay trailer below.

While players will jump and will rush into seven departments, they will have to avoid the traps and eccentric colleagues. Players will also have to face several holes cranial as they progress in the game.

There is also a weapon upgrade system that allows players to upgrade their powerful keyboard. The keyboard is Jim's main weapon, helping him by sending powerful e-mails and leaving sarcastic comments.

The game also offers several secrets to discover for players. There are secret dungeons where Jim must fight countless vague of colleagues. So be sure to keep an eye on these challenges that are difficult to find.

The Company Man will arrive at Switch at the beginning of next year, and will arrive at other consoles later in 2022. Have you ever exercised a job you hate? So this game maybe for you.

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