Diablo 2: Resurrected: Patch 2.3 ist live

In the past two months, brave adventurers in Sanctuary have placed the servants of the burning hell and their way to victory. During this time, there have been significant improvements in the waiting period: Players must now wait for less than 60 seconds, until they can enter the world of Sanctuary. Now some new features have been presented to make your gaming experience even better. These features were officially introduced with patch 2.3 at the beginning of December.

So you will find in the settings in offline mode the online difficulty scaling, which makes the same as the debug command / players x. Especially on the PC, after the update download, the new function Movement force ready to make your character moves to a specific location without having to go to monsters. Also, new is Quick Cast, where your abilities selects with hotkeys without having to select the respective talent only in the user interface. The features mentioned and more have presented the developers in detail in this blog.

In addition, this update has many errors and improvements made. All information can be found on the official pat notes.

Public textural, future updates, ladder

In the coming weeks, the first public STREAM (PTR) will start for Diablo 2 Resurrected. On this realm, the developers can test the balancing, solutions for errors and other improvements before they are incorporated into the main game. You are welcome to attend the PTR. The team informs in good time for all details of PTR when the time window is approaching.

The main focus for this PTR form the database problems and the stability of the online game. As soon as these topics are dealt with and grab the improvements, the developers share new information about the game in the ranking (ladder) and other innovations that you can expect soon. All news, of course, is also at Sanctuario!

More info, specials and videos can be found on our Diablo 2 Resurrected theme page.

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