Virtuos reinforces its technological existence in France with a brand-new R&D department in Montpellier

On the Labs-Lyon side, open in 2021, Virtues turns with forty staff members and commits himselfto the creation of graphics and advanced features on proprietor engines for AAAvideo games, and toremasterization and adaptation of franchises emblematic on the most current generation of consoles _.

The Chinese company Virtues, which acts as leading assistance for several years already for lots of development workshops, introduces the opening of a second technical post in France, in Montpellier exactly. A selection obviously far from trivial.

A This new Labs virtues will as a result beFormed around seasoned technical supervisors in order to prolong its abilities in engineering and also R&D _. Around Alexis Raise, previous Technical Director of Ubisoft who significantly worked on the Yeti engine, we likewise locate Benjamin Curtain, elderly developer or Marianne Alva, manufacturer, both with a large experience with the French publisher. Virtues does not hide it: to set up in Montpellier is to offer the opportunity of accessing a particular pool of talents, notably nourished at the FBI college. Recruitment is likewise underway, with the goal of getting to a labor force of twenty people in 2023 (they are certainly 8 presently).


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