Fishing ADV DREDGE on the stage of strange islands, the world view and the fun as a game are worth playing! [Steam Next Festival]

VALVE is holding Steam Next Fe's October Edition at Steam from October 4, 2022, Japan time.


This event will be held in the game to be distributed at Steam and live stream distribution by developers. Hundreds of kinds can be played with the trial version alone, so you may be worried just by looking around the lineup.

Therefore, GAMESPARK will pick up what you are interested in from the works that are being distributed at the event. This time, the publisher TEAM17 and the developer Black Salt Games fishing adventure DREDGE *.

What is DREDGE

An adventure game where you can fish and explore on a boat on a mysterious island. The player becomes a fisherman whose ship broke down and drifted into the port town, and fished fish to interact with various inhabitants and explore the world.

The game stage, Males, has a variety of towns, and there are many residents. And in these waters, there is a disturbing atmosphere, such as a fog that deprives sane at night, and a wrecked ship is left on the island. Can the player solve the mystery of this sea?

The flow of the game is to go out to the sea by boat during the day, fish and salvage, sell money and solve requests from residents, and upgrade ships at the port. Research also provides elements that unlock new ship parts.

The trial version DREDGE: CHAPTER ONE was released on September 22, 2022. The Steam Next Festival also appeared in the top of the Popular appearing soon tag and has been picked up as a featured work.

Is there a secret on the island that flows?

The story begins with a scene where the protagonist who saw an advertisement for a fisherman recruitment was wrecked while traveling. Fortunately, the protagonist arrives at the port town Great Mallow and is welcomed by the mayor as a new fisherman. According to the mayor, the main character's ship is impossible to navigate, so we want you to use old fishing boats in the town for fishing.

And the protagonist will go to catch fish right away by looking at it. He moves along the sea by boat and shifts to the fishing screen when he finds the fish group. The fishing of this work is a method in which the reel is automatically wrapped, and pressing the button according to the fishing gauge will greatly approach the ship. In the first fishing, I was able to catch a splendid cod. Happy.

The fish caught will be loaded into the empty space of the ship. The unique part of this work is that the inventory is in the shape of the ship, and the fish caught there are stored like a puzzle. Fish has different shapes for each type, so let's fish in consideration of the space on the ship.

What you need to be careful about is the concept of time. In this work, time has passed only for traveling by boat and in the middle of fishing, and at night there is a fog that deprives human beings. From the evening, the visibility will be narrow, so let's go on the ship with the lights on the ship. At the end of the first fishing, you will be ordered to pay a loan instead of using the current ship that the hero's ship cannot be repaired from the mayor at the port.

In addition, you will be introduced to the fish shop in the town to make money. In this way, a new fisherman life of the protagonist has started.

Salvage for fishing, solving worries. The hero is busy.

The Into Town Great Mallow has facilities such as a fish shop where you can judge and sell the fish you caught, a ship carpenter that can repair ships and purchase parts, and a dry dock that can expand ships. Sleep and technical research are also possible on ships, the main character's bed and work tools.

Other islands in the Mallows Islands have another port town, mansion, and mysterious facilities. Players will visit the island, talk and interact with various inhabitants to acquire parts for salvage and use merchants that sell valuables they have acquired. In addition, residents may receive requests such as delivery or delivery, so you can get research parts as rewards.

In addition, this work is one of the characteristics that has a wide variety of fish. There are many fishing grounds in the sea, and the fish that can be caught are different. In addition, there is a fishing ground that emits a rainbow-colored light, where you can catch foreign fish. There are strange bumps and those with power generation capabilities, and sometimes valuables are obtained in fish shop appraisal.

Nevertheless, the island is full of really disturbing air. Listening to the residents of the town, many people are muddy about the hero's predecessor fishermen and former mayor, and the legend of strange boxes that causes fog in this area. And. Mysterious monuments are also scattered around the sea.

Unfortunately, in the trial version, the mysterious key, which is likely to be an important starting point of the story, ends when the collector is appraised. In addition, most of the research and high-ranking parts are not available, so they can only be caught with a medium size. However, you can fully enjoy the atmosphere of this work that makes you feel anxious, fishing, salvage, and exploration.

DREDGE introduced so far. Very strange and disturbing atmosphere, the fun of making money with fishing and salvage, and interacting with residents who have a habit and two habits. I feel. The artwork is also attractive, and if you play, you will be drawn into the world view.

In the product version, the islands that can be moved are greatly expanded, and more than 125 types of fish have appeared. Not only can you enjoy the story in search of the secrets hidden in the world, but there are also plays to complete fish books and collections.

DREDGE will be released in 2023 for PC (Steam)/overseas Nintendo Switch.


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