Reaction: the biggest problem of Sony is the relationship with consumers

Sony announced a rather exciting announcement PS Plus Relooking this week, but it is a reminder that we have forgotten the art of consumer relationship. The organization, which was unparalleled in this area at the beginning of the PlayStation era 4, seems totally unable to connect effectively with its main customers right now - and although it is not a problem of end time by an effort Imagination is something we should talk about and something that the company should actively improve.

We have discussed this topic over the past two or three years, criticizing PlayStation for its effective lack of communication, but it's a problem that does not seem to improve. Sony has become clinical and corporate; His ads are often welcomed with skepticism, and it is never quite agile to clarify when the criticism swells on social networks. The company, frankly, feels disconnected - and although it still sells PS5 consoles in hand, we want it to do better.

We write this article because we worry about it and we want to see the organization implement changes that improve its relationship with enthusiasts. Take the aforementioned announcement of the new levels of PS more, for example - an exciting revelation by any reasonable measure. This is not necessarily the fault of Sony if many details have been disclosed, but the official confirmation has been poorly designed and shaped the story you see online, which is largely negative.

Obviously, the introduction of these new levels is a difficult thing to communicate, but it did not even bother to produce a simple graph to demonstrate the differences between the options. In addition to an article on the Blog PS, the big bonnet Jim Ryan has led some interviews with large-format play publications such as Games and Famitsu, but these have little added anything. Either the article of the Blog PS beyond the vague promise that the PS1 games "look". awesome ".

Of course, we use our imagination here because Sony has not published any screenshot and has not even been able to prepare trailer. In fact, apart from confirmation that titles like Returnal and Marvel's Spider-Man - Is this the PS5 version or the PS4 version? - Will be available with PS more extra and PS more premium, we still do not know what the remaining 99.9% of the catalog will look like. By the way, this percentage has not been removed from the ass: the company boasts of a library that can hold up to 740 games here, but it has announced six.

So We Almost Missed Sony Being Anti-Consumer...AGAIN!

We did not expect it to reveal each game downright, but its inefficient communication raises more questions than it solves. How often will new games be added? Will the titles be permanent additions or will they be deleted after a few months, like PS now ? Will PS1 and other classic titles include trophies? Will there be other additional benefits as part of the emulation, such as the possibility of creating backup states or even rewind the gameplay?

And it's talking about a broader problem in PlayStation: we just do not know when we have answers. Presumably, the company has a promotional roadmap in mind, but it could take weeks or even months before it really clarifies anything. The company does not have a spokesperson on social networks, there is therefore no one online that can elaborate or answer questions. This finally creates a dynamic where the company feels completely disconnected from its customers, at a time when most brands have become more open and accessible than ever.

Of course, the wheels will continue to turn and the PlayStation will go very well. But we exist at a time when the relations with Sony consumers are perhaps worse than they have never been; where each ad is welcomed with skepticism and criticism and the company seems reluctant to go out and control the message. The most frustrating thing of all is that it is a very recent phenomenon; Part of the success of the PS4 could be directly attributed to the fact that the company understands its customers so well. It's a distant souvenir nowadays, we are afraid of it.

Do you care about how Sony provides drip information and communicates with his leadingly passionate consumers, or is all this a storm in a cup of tea? Have you been perplexed in the way the redesign of PS more has been revealed, or you feel comfortable that key information is confirmed in a timely manner? Answer important questions in the comments section below.


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