Pokémon: Fan crafts perfect celebrity

A Pokémon fan shows on Reddit, which pocket monsters would best match what celebrities. The community celebrates the well-known combinations with Bill Gates, Ariana Grande, John Cena and many other stars.

Which Star actually fits best to which Pokémon ? A gamer has investigated this burning question and has shared his insights in a post office on Reddit with the community.

Which Pokémon suits to which star?

Reddit User Jaibrooklyn has created a picture line with a bit of imagination and Photoshop **, which has already received 24,600 upvotes in the Pokémon community.

Look at the Pokémon Stars on Reddit:

In 13 pictures Jaibrooklyn shows the perfect Pokémon celebrity combos - from Pikachu and Nikola Tesla on Muhammad Ali and Nockchan to Ariana Grande and Schlapor . Fans celebrate the post office for the clever combinations and some commentators additionally deliver their own proposals for future celebrity Pokémon-Crossovers.

  • "This to be seen brings me to want a Pokémon space documentation with Neil Degrasse Tyson as a narrator." ( Reddit User Hellobrine )
  • "Dwayne The Rock Johnson with a small stone." ( Reddit User BlackFireHydra )
  • "Elon Musk with Kaguron." ( Reddit User Quartia )
  • "Schlapor for Ariana Grande is great, but she actually has an Evoli tattoo lol." ( Reddit User Ster-Lerd )
  • "That's great! Would be great to see what you think!" ( Reddit User Zanarkandwinter )

Pokémon Scarlet and Violet Meme Review

Pokémon community celebrates picture gallery

Because the picture line has received such a positive community response to Reddit, Jaibrooklyn has placed directly and others enriched by photoshop with Pokémon - among other things, Enton and Sigmund Freud and Joe Exotic and Fukano find themselves. (Source: Reddit).

It remains to be hoped that will provide the end of 2022 Pokémon Karmesin & Purpur for even more inspiration and other Pokémon celebrities.

Take a look at the announcement trailer to Pokémon: Karmesin & Purple:


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