Dota 2 games are interrupted and the fans believe that Primal Beast is on the way

Valve is preparing for the next large DOTA 2 update - patch 7.31 - and there is evidence that Primal Beast, a boss from Aghanim's Labyrinth, is presented as the next playable hero. Players have been speculating about it for some time and it looks like an official announcement on the way.

Today, in preparation for the publication of Patch 7.31 on February 23, Valve has provided a smaller title update for Dota 2. The update itself seemed to be normal, but the players will witness an unusual event in the game after his publication - and it only builds on the rumors that Primal Beast will soon be officially announced and included in the list of Dota 2.

In the opening phase of Dota 2 games after the small update, approximately at the 1:20 mark of the pre-match countdown, a global event takes place, which all players are amazed - radiant and direct. While they are stunned, a strange roar on the battlefield sounds. Stunning does not really affect the gameplay and takes only a few moments, but she pulls up the eyebrows and players take this strange event as a sign that is Primal Beast on the way.

Reddit user 'N3 cooling' has discovered a file named, DOTA_731_TEASER_FORCE_ENABLED after the update in Dota 2, which seems to stuck behind this event. You can listen to the roar here - it's clear to see why players attribute this Primal Beast.

Rumors that Primal Beast is presented as the next Dota 2 hero, however, are not unfounded. Evidence that indicates that he was added to the squad was found at the beginning of this year.

Victory reports that DataMiners have discovered an update for the symbol file of the Hero Mini Map of Dota 2 and added by Primal Beast to choose from. The same data mining file has accurately leaked the publication of the Drow Ranger Arcana and Mirana-Persona variants.

In addition, the character model of Primal Beast has recently updated and improved. With a degree of detail that fits to other Dota 2 heroes, and the adding numerous facial expressions believe the players that Valve has been preparing the release of Primal Beast for some time.

Primal Beast Teaser for the upcoming patch?

The Patch 7.31 by Dota 2 is scheduled to be published on February 23rd at 12:00 pm Pt / 15:00 ET / 20:00 GMT. If we see an official announcement of Valve with regard to Primal Beast, it will be about then. We keep you up to date with the latest news as soon as you are available.


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